• We recommend having on hand necessary masking material
  • Terry rags or towels
  • 2 to 3 Medium gauge paint rollers with long handle
  • 2-gal Deck or garden pump sprayer
  • 1 gal sprayer for sealer
  • Drill with paddle mixer
  • Broom
  • Hose and/or blower
  • Power hand sander with rough grit if cleaning oil stains
  • Protective clothing (covering skin), eyewear
  • Mask and waterproof gloves.
  • If necessary, detergent (for stains) and separate repair kit (for cracks and chips).


Remove any coatings, paints, overlays, and sealers. Using a floor grinder/sander will make this much easier.


 Like-Nu doesn’t fill cracks, chips, gouges, or scratches. Make all your concrete repairs according to manufactures instructions. We recommend sanding rough areas, and old repairs that look unfinished. Sand them as smooth as possible and level with the concrete surface.  


We recommend using a stiff brush with an environmentally safe concrete cleaner, detergent, and water. You can also use a pressure washer.  If you don’t have access to a fresh water supply, use a broom or yard blower. Remove dirt, and debris as best you can. Use a sander to remove paint spots and adhesives. For oil stains apply Like-Nu’s oil stain remover apply directly on the stains using a clean towel or sponge pad. Let it stand 2 to 3 hours bringing the contaminates to the surface then use a hand sander to sand off the oil on the surface and thoroughly rinse clean. There will be shadowing of where the oil was, but the oil will be gone. After cleaning allow the concrete to completely dry (up to 24 hours). Any repairs or rough areas sand them smooth and level with the existing concrete for a better outcome.

For repairs needed please see section below.


Protect your home and outdoor features by laying down drop cloths. Use plastic, painters tape or other materials to mask off areas you don’t want to hit with overspray. Do not allow overspray to sit overnight it will be more difficult to remove. Clean up with a clean wet sponge or towel. Prior to mixing prepare deck or garden sprayer by removing top and trimming feeder line to length just touching the bottom (usually 2-inch trim).


Before you start, like with all concrete products, we recommend using protective eye wear,waterproof gloves, protective clothing and a N95 respirator mask.

Empty bucket contents and place bucket on a rag or drop cloth. To cover 400 square feet add 1 gallon Part A liquid solutions to bucket. Refill container with 1 gallon of water and add. Refill the container again with another 1 gallon of water and add to the bucket. Slowly mix in Part B Cement powder using a drill with paddle mixer (5-7 minutes). Material should be smooth in consistency with no clumps or material settled at the bottom. Let sit for 20 minutes, then complete final mix. Add strainer net to mouth of deck or garden pump sprayer. The strainer filters out the larger clumps so the sprayer doesn’t clog. Use a large plastic cup to pour blended Like-Nu into the deck sprayer. Repeat until sprayer is near full. After filling sprayer with Like-Nu, remove strainer net and place on rag.


We strongly advise using protective eye wear, waterproof gloves, protective clothing and a N95 respirator mask when mixing and spraying Like-Nu.

First, firmly secure the sprayer top and pump up the spray bottle as best as possible. Set the sprayer fan tip by placing tip into bucket and adjust sprayer until a medium fan spray. When spraying Like-Nu keep the spray tip about 3 feet or knee high moving the tip in a side to side motion creating an even fan like mist on the surface. Try to do light even coats. As the spray hits the concrete it will start drying quickly pending the outside temperature and sunlight available. We recommend applying on a mostly sunny day if possible with ideal temperatures between 70°F to 90°F (or warmer). Start spraying 10’ wide sections at a time . Start closest to your home, or structure, and work your way back. If there’s a slope in your concrete start at the highest point and work your way to the bottom until concrete is covered. Repeat this on the next 10’ wide section as you go. Think of the spray as misting or falling onto the surface. Do not hold the spray too long in one spot or point the spray at a certain spot, keep it moving from side to side while moving back at the same time. Note: (if you do hold the spray in one spot too long the material will build and may start to run) if that happens soak up the excess material with the sponge pad, or use the paint roller and roll over that area working the material back in. Just keep moving as you are spraying side to side back towards the end of your section. You will see the material covering your concrete as you go. As you are spraying every 5-7 minutes shake the sprayer to keep the concrete well mixed. You can add as many coats as necessary. Once you finish with one side of your concrete section repeat the same process on the other side. You can stop anytime, take a break, and come back to it where you left off, the special formula will blend right in. Remember you can’t make a mistake you can’t fix, if you don’t like how it covered, allow the material to dry, and spray back over the area until your satisfied. While applying, the spray tip may spit, or drip on the surface, if that happens use the sponge pad to absorb the excess, or use a paint roller and roll the excess back into the concrete, allow it to dry, and lightly spray mist back over those areas. If you leave any footprints use the paint roller  and roll over the footprints, and lightly spray back over it. If not satisfied with a section, simply spray another coat of Like-Nu, allowing each coat to dry to the touch before applying the next coat. We recommend having a back-up pump sprayer in case the sprayer clogs up. Wipe down any overspray with a wet rag or towel. We recommend re-spraying Like Nu every 3-4 years for best concrete appeal. Adding a concrete sealer coat can extend this time significantly.


  • For 80°+ : ready to walk on in 10 min
  • For 70° to 80°: Ready to walk on in 30 minutes
  • For 55° to 70°: Ready to walk on in 1 to 4 hours
  • For temperatures under 55°: do not spray in cold conditions

Letting Like-Nu to complete dry will allow time for the Like-Nu to penetrate the concrete. You may find areas that need more attention, just respray a second coat on those areas. The material will model like natural Concrete. (Note: Leave extra Like-Nu in the sprayer for touch ups. Store in a cool dark area). Product will last up to 2 hours if you keep agitated. For larger areas, allow to dry and re-apply extra coats if needed. A second kit may be needed for larger blanketed applications. Allow Like-Nu to completely dry for 3-4 hours prior to adding any sealer coat.


Make sure Like Nu is completely dry then apply a single light coat (just mist on with sprayer over your concrete) and then keep vehicles off for 24 hours, you can walk on in 30 minutes. If sealer is too heavy it will make Like Nu look splotchy with white patches, if this occurs correct by respraying a light coat of Like Nu then resealing. The additional sealer (if any) can be reapplied in 12 months to extend the life further. DO NOT USE A HEAVY COAT OR 2 COATS OF SEALER.


When finished dump out excess material into bucket or appropriate disposal item and run water through deck sprayer back into bucket to clean. Wipe down any overspray with a wet rag or towel. We recommend re-spraying Like-Nu every 3-4 years for best concrete appeal. Adding a concrete sealer coat can extend this time significantly.


If you have cracks, chips or damaged areas use a concrete patch or repair kit to fill and repair damage according to manufacturer’s instructions. After repair is dry, use sponge pad or paint roller to cover repair with up to 3 applications, letting each application fully dry before reapplying. You can then spray Like-Nu to cover the repair in your concrete, the special formula will blend in and cover the repair. Note: Like-Nu will not absorb into epoxy paints, or epoxy repair materials. We recommend using modified concrete materials. After the repair material is completely dry, sand the material down so they are level with the existing concrete. Like-Nu does not change the texture of the surface so make sure these repairs are level.


First, thoroughly clean the stain using the Like Nu oil stain remover, after applying let stand for 2 hours bringing the oil to the surface, then sand off with power sander (there will still be a stain but no oil after 15-20 min of sanding) then thoroughly rinse clean.  The cleaner the surface the better the material it absorbs and bonds. Allow concrete surface to dry completely (up to 24 hours) before applying Like-Nu. Then, use a sponge pad or paint roller to cover the stain with up to 3 applications, letting each application fully dry before re-applying. You can then spray Like-Nu to cover the stain in your concrete, the special formula will blend in and match.


Please note instructions above for any oil or other stains on driveway. Next, apply Like-Nu as stated above. We recommend re-spraying Like-Nu and re-sealing every 2 years for best driveway appeal.


Please note instructions above and apply Like-Nu as stated. Two additional steps are required to properly restore and maintain your pool deck. Step two is to apply three total coats of Like-Nu to the deck area, letting each coat dry before re-applying. After the last coat of Like-Nu is thoroughly dry, apply Like Nu concrete sealer to protect against the excess wear that pool chemicals place on concrete. We recommend re-spraying Like-Nu and re-sealing every 3-4 years for best pool appeal.


  2. Use Like-Nu Mix within 2 hours and keep agitated every five minutes, especially while spraying. Remix if sitting for longer periods.
  3. Place sprayer nozzle end in water when not in use to prevent clogging.
  4. Do not allow to drip on any surface. If it does, wipe or clean immediately.